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super good game, took me a while to get the secret character, now my highscore is 76793 yay

I've downloaded it since day one but have only done a couple of games on it and before commenting I wanted to unlock Gigi. Now I had a quick game and I'm finally over 25k so I wanted to leave a comment, but I find that with an update two days ago the cost has been lowered. Anyway the game is fun, easy to understand but still complicated enough that you don't get huge scores on your first few tries. On an aesthetic level it is really pleasing to the eyes, cute pixel form of the otomos and the two characters. I wanted to ask if there is the intent to have all Justice in here and if different characters have unique gameplay properties.


I though about adding all 4, but I decided to start with just the two; I did think about having Gigi be a different game mode during development, but that would be a lot more time and playtesting with playtesters I didn't have.

Fun game! One small issue I found: accidentally pressed Enter twice on the Start Game button and it crashed! I believe it is because menus don't block input after a confirm action, so you can press it multiple times.

Ah, I'll be sure to fix that in the next patch

It's an adorable game with lots of love just OOZING out of it! It inspires me a lot, as someone who is also working very hard on both pixel art AND my very own HoloLive fangame. I'm so glad I saw this on Twitter, I can't wait to see where this game goes~

(PS: I left some feedback as well!)

please make it possible to play directly on a browser if at all possible! looks fun!

Your wish is my command


pretty good fangame! its simple and its good at it! also pretty hard to get a higher score which is nice!